Fly in an helicopter

Fly in an helicopter

Ready for takeoff ? Before the start of the show, come and experience an helicopter flight!With Mont Blanc Hélicoptères, take a seat on board for a magical trip: Put on your headset, get your sunglasses ready ... let's go! From the sky, a grandiose landscape is revealed.This experience promises you unforgettable souvenirs, a unique moment, etched in your memory for life!AS350 helicopter or ou R44 (depending on availability) Lightweight and versatile, the AS350 helicopter has 5 to 6 passenger seats and a 740 horsepower engine, to give you an unforgettable experience in flight.Carrying 3 passengers, the R44 offers perfect visibility for…
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Fly in a vintage aircraft

Fly in a vintage aircraft

AVAAVAAVAAVAAVA Before the start of the air show, take advantage of the opportunity to fly in a vintage aircraft!Pitts S2B 345 € - 1 passenger (80 kg pax weight limit)NORTH AMERICAN T-6495€ - 1 passengerClimb aboard the US Army's most famous training aircraft and take the controls for an introduction to flying and aerobatics: fast and spacious thanks to its 600hp engine!STEARMAN PT17295€ - 1 passengerAboard the Boeing Stearman, you'll discover the joys of flying by taking the controls and, for the more adventurous, the thrills of gentle aerobatics.TB-30 Epsilon1 Passenger: €395/flightTake a seat aboard the Epsilon, a French military…
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