The poster

Note : You will be able to purchase the event’s poster (and previous ones) during the airshow, on the Paquet Editions stand, as well as soon on the web site of the cockpit Collection..

LUCIO PERINOTTO, aviation artist

Lucio Perinotto

Graphic designer, illustrator, graduate from the Esag Penninghen, Olivier Dauger has been drawing for over thirty years for press, communication, and advertising.
Fan of the ligne claire and of the Franco-Belgian school, he is fond of the 1930’s-40’s (history, design, architecture… and aviation).
He is an ardent admirer of the work of E.P. Jacob, Chaland, Serge Clerc. From 2006 to 2011, his series Ciel en ruine (sky in ruins) sets him as one of the best aeronautical graphic novels artist.
The series Ciel de Guerre, followed by the biography of Hélène Boucher (written by Didier Quella-Guyot) confirmed his talent. His mastering of the aviation theme leads him to be nominated official “Peintre de l’Air et de l’Espace” in 2019.

A Jack of all trades, he also dived into the investigations of Miss Marple and into a political polar titled Les Frères Nowak.

Affiche 2023
2023 Poster

B-17 Flying Fortress & P-51: The quest for air Supremacy

The Supermarine Spitfire was undoubtedly one of the best British warplanes and a major player in the Second World War. It was very fast, agile and well armed. Over time, the Spitfire evolved into an even more capable aircraft, in versions suited to different types of mission.

The Me 262 was a German fighter aircraft used at the end of the Second World War. It was the first jet fighter to be used in wartime. It began test flights in 1942, but was not used in combat by the German air force, the Luftwaffe, until 1944. Nicknamed Schwalbe (swallow), the Messerschmidt Me 262 outperformed all other Second World War fighters.

“Yeager’s First Jet” © Roy Grinnell
It was in a Mustang that, on 6 November 1944, the famous pilot Chuck Yeager succeeded in shooting down an ME262, the first operational jet fighter.

Sketches and study versions