Press accreditation

Steps of the accreditation procedure 

 1. Accreditation application filled in, complete and sent, with the compulsory attachements : press card (or Google Analytics file for the digital media) and an engagement letter *).
This on-line registration is not an accréditation confirmation, but a request.
An email will be sent to you upon submission of your form, in order to confirm its reception.
Incomplete requests will not be taken into account.
2. Processing of requests.
3. Email sent confirming the acceptance or refusal of your application.

Air to air shooting for the National TV evening news

If you accounter any issue in filling out this application, feel free to contact us

Important: An accreditation is strictly personal and in your name only. It cannot be transferred to someone else.
The organiser can withdraw any accreditation at their discretion and with immediate effect, in case of a disrespect by its holder of the events’ rules.  

* The editorial staff or the agency must provide an engagement letter on behalf of each person to be accredited, on a headed paper, describing the activity, indicating the name of the journalist / photographer to cover AIR LEGEND and also providing information on the diffusion and impact of the media. If you are a freelance journalist or photographer, you must be commissioned by an official media.