Patrouille Mustang X-ray

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Patrouille Mustang X-ray

In 2021, the École de l’aviation de chasse (EAC) at Cognac-Châteaubernard air base 709 formed a tactical display patrol made up of two PC-21s. The patrol performs aerial figures to illustrate the work carried out in the training of Air Force and Space Force combat crews within the EAC.

The PC-21 is a twin-seat, single-engine turboprop with an onboard system that is highly representative of simulated tactical missions, and is very similar to modern fighter aircraft. It can withstand load factors of +8G and -4G, enabling training in basic flying, air defence, assault and conventional flying.

Operator: Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace
Livery: Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace