P-40 N5, F-AZKU

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P-40 N5, F-AZKU

The P-40 is an iconic fighter aircraft, often associated with the “Flying Tigers” of General Claire CHENNAULT.
The one, 42-105915, was built in August 1943, was flying with the 7th Fighter Group,in Papua New Guinea.
Her pilot, Robert Warren, named her “Little Jeanne”.

In 1974, the wreck is recovered from the jungle where it had been abandoned with 6 others.
After a restauration from 1997 to 2002 in Australia, the P-40 flies again.
In September 2005, magical moment, Robert Warren visits Australia to watch his aircraft fly again!
Two years later, the P-40 moves to France andt is registered F-AZKU.
She is now the jewel of the ‘France’s Flying Warbirds.‘ collection.

Aircraft type: Chasseur
Operator: France's flying Warbirds
Manufacturing date: 1943
Serial number: 2967
Livery: 49th fighter group, 5th Air Force