Corsaire Mauboussin

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Corsaire Mauboussin

The TBM Avenger is a large, well-armed three-seater, fitted with a large cargo bay capable of accommodating a torpedo or a load of bombs and powered by a Wright R-2800 of 1700 hp.

This aircraft was designed in 1940, its first flight took place on August 1, 1941 and the assembly line built for its construction was inaugurated on December 7, 1941, the very day of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It entered service in 1942 and was first used in the Battle of Midway.
As the aircraft gained a reputation for efficiency in the Pacific, the Avenger equipped the British, Canadian, French, Dutch and even Japanese navies after the war. It ended its civilian career as a firefighter in Canada.

Operator: Mauboussin Aero Collection
Manufacturing date: 1938