Extra Tommy Douillard

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Extra Tommy Douillard

This single-seater aircraft is powered by a 330 hp Lycoming 6-cylinder engine and is a regular on the top podiums at international championships. It is notably used by the French Air and Space Force Aerobatic Team (EVAA).

Built by Extra Flugzeug, the Extra 330 SC (Special Competition) represents the pinnacle of aerobatic aircraft, often referred to as the “Formula 1” of the discipline.

Specifications include:

  • Power: 315 hp
  • Empty Weight: 620 kg
  • G-Force Limits: +10/-10 G
  • Wingspan: 7.50 m
  • Length: 6.88 m
  • Roll Rate: 400°/s
  • Max Speed: 406 km/h

Tommy Douillard, from an aviation-loving family, obtained his pilot’s license in 2016 at the historic La Ferté-Alais airfield. At 26, he is determined to continue his rapid rise in this demanding and artistic sport, where concentration, discipline, precision, and humility are key in the cockpit.

Aircraft type: Chasseur
Pilot: Tommy Douillard
Livery: Club Dijon Voltige